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Exhibitor Information

Make the UV Home & Garden Show part of a great business year. It may be the best marketing dollars you’ll spend. Not only is it Utah Valley’s largest annual show with (traditionally) a crowd of 6,000 to 10,000, it also consistently delivers real results and bottom line value to its exhibitors. Among marketing options, trade shows are consistently ranked as the number one return on investment. General booth space is $899. Join us - and see what a difference it can make for your business! Call us anytime at (801) 822-1333 with questions.


Booth amenities: You can supply your own booth items, but MODERN EXPO is our excellent supplier. They supply everything including electrical if needed. Many commonly ordered items include draped tables, chairs, carpet and electrical. Click here for Modern's NEW ONLINE EXHIBITOR KIT for 2025. Most of the items you'll order are on the left of their menu bar. Modern's additional contact information is (801) 983-8160 or As promoters we provide complimentary wifi internet that will serve most needs. See internet info below.

Booth rules:

  1. Your booth space is simply the 10' x 10' space with pipe and drape around (8' high back and 3' high sides).  You may bring your own booth supplies such as table and chairs or they can be rented from Modern Expo at (801) 983-8160. Electrical is through Modern Expo as well.
  2. Everything must be inside the booth.  Nothing in the isles, including rugs. This is a fire marshal rule.
  3. There is not really a maximum height requirement, but booths will be inspected by the marshal and must be deemed safe (no tipping hazards, etc).
  4. Canopies are okay.
  5. Side walls may not extend more than half way to the front of the booth unless prearranged. This is to keep visibility open to everyone's booth as people walk down the isles.
  6. The provided drape rods will support normal banners but in general are not to be used as booth support.
  7. Helium balloons may not be used at all at the show. This is a UCCU Center rule.
  8. Please do not hand out popcorn. We are members of the popcorn-lovers fan club, but it is an unavoidable mess.


Set up day(s): Set up for some large booths is available Wednesday, March 19th (afternoon) and we will be calling some companies who have bigger set-ups for this. Most exhibitors will be given a set-up time for Thursday, March 20th. It will be unload-and-move from the north loading dock lot on set-up day. We strongly encourage all to finish setting up on Thursday, as the main loading dock door won't be available on Friday. Check in at the desk in the main hall for exhibitor badges, internet info, directions and more.
Take down: Anytime after 6 p.m. (to 11 p.m.) on Saturday. No early take downs please. More info about set-up and take-down are coming in e-mails.


Exhibitor parking is available on show days in the normal lots, but not in the back north loading dock lot. Please use the large North or (smaller) West lot on show days. Trailers are okay to be left overnight in those lots.


Wifi internet is provided complimentary with your booth! You will need to get the login password at the check-in table at set-up.


Electrical orders go through Modern Expo and you may refer to the Exhibitor Kit for this. Electrical goes for around $110 pre-ordered.


The Hampton Inn across University Parkway is close and can help you if you have hotel needs.


If you're sampling food or preparing food of any kind (which is being allowed this year still) you need to go to the Health Departments and get a temporary food handlers permit (151 S. University, Provo or 801.851.7000 for information). All pre-packaged food (gift baskets, Tootsie Rolls, etc) that are not to be consumed on site do not need anything. If you're not sure, please call Health Department and ask. Temporary Food Handler permits are different than the Food Handler permit you may have for your regular on-site business.


We would love to make for each of you who would like one a custom e-Ticket (with your business name prominently placed on it) which can be used however you'd like (e-mail, social media, etc.) for free admission for your friends. We can also make you an online ticket Promotion Code (such as "TedsCabinets") to use here at the site that would be good for FREE tickets as well. If you'd like either of these please e-mail Kendall.


All Utah County REALTORs have a number of options to obtain show tickets for gifting, including printed tickets, online ticket codes and custom e-mailable tickets. Please click here for details.


We welcome giveaways from all exhibitors wishing to do so. This is a good opportunity for a little added promotion at the show by having it announced overhead from the microphone. Minimum price for an announced giveaway must be $100. Limit one giveaway per day. If you'd like have your giveaway announced, please e-mail us and we'll put it on our list.


Show marketing includes a media-wide campaign again this year. A key marketing piece is our custom pre-Expo Home Show Guide that we mail out to 86% of single family homes in Utah County! Of course our other marketing efforts still include I-15 billboards, magazines, extensive social media campaigns, retail ticket distribution points, independent ticket mailings, promoted social media and a hand delivered ticket route to the county's main retail centers. We also have awesome help from our REALTOR friends who have traditionally delivered more than 90,000 tickets out to friends in our region.


Booth space is available by contacting Bennett Events at 801.822.1333. Booths are 10' x 10' and generally run $899. The Utah Valley Home Show is the longest running expo in Utah County and excels at connecting businesses with people who love their homes.


To download a Media Kit with 2025 Home Show information, click here.


To download an application/contract, click here. Fill and email to


Click here for the 2024 Home Show Exhibitor Kit.



Many of you are exhibiting veterans and a few are first-timers, but it never hurts to get some time-proven advice about some things to do (and not do) to get the most of your Expo time.

  1. Long before the Expo, plan a cool booth space. Invest in your booth. What would make it approachable? What would make you stop? This planning and/or investment always pays off later. Many successful strategies include giveaways that collect e-mails, games, contests, videos, graphics, video games, novelty or humor and other many other ideas. Be creative and have fun.
  2. Talk to those working your booth. They make a huge difference. The basics have to do with positioning and attitude. Don't sit down in the back of your booth. Comfy but ineffective. Do have an open booth that's easy to enter or engage. Don't be on the phone or working. People think it's rude to approach you as you're busy. And most importantly, smile. Seems obvious, but so does common sense:) People talk with happy people.
  3. If you're not personally good at meeting people, hire someone. Don't take it personally:) Happy, attractive people don't hurt. You get 3 seconds for a first expo impression.
  4. Amazingly, nearly 60% of regional expo exhibitors do not have a pre-show lead plan in place as an expo opens (Center for Exhibitor Industry Research). Know the basics of potential client conversations and lead collection: 1) Engage and chat (10-30 seconds), 2) Qualify (1 minute) to see if they have a need for your services, and 3) Present what you have for them (1-5 minutes). Make sure to focus on what's in it for them. Then 4) Close by getting a business card or other contact information, and tell them you'll get them more info later. It's casual and flexible. Then keep a master list! Then move on to the next lead!
  5. In another amazing statistic, out of all exhibitors, nearly 75% of all leads collected at Expos are not followed up on after the show (Center for Exhibitor Industry Research). Yes, your feet are tired, but the works not quite done. Take some time afterwards to follow up and help all the people you may have talked to during the show.
  6. Some other helpful ideas may be to have an album of testimonials showing success stories and pictures. This is especially great for independent professionals selling an intangible product. Pictures of workshop attendees are good. Everyone likes pictures.
  7. I've heard some that are anti-candy bowl, but most experts still say it's good. If you want to up the ante, have a bigger treat but only for those who chat with you that you can just hand them. Energy bars, bigger mints, or something else fun.
  8. Promotional items are good. Think about whether they're use it for awhile or if it will just go to their kids. Kids are tough clients :)
  9. If possible, demonstrate your product. People like to see it in action.
  10. Dare to think up something a bit different. It makes trade shows fun. Things people have asked us if they can do in the past that have gone well include shooting money from a cannon, casinos, celebrity guests, flash mobs, sports contests, and many other slightly quirky things. Many visitors have been to a trade show before and they like to see diversity. Please ask us if you have any ideas you'd like to try. Between us and the South Towne, we'd love to try to accommodate your ideas if possible.

In summation, research shows that trade shows are the #1 advertising ROI businesses can make. So make a plan. We'd love to help you reach all your goals and be an important partner to your business each year. Have a great show!

Trade shows are consistently the #1 marketing return on investment among all options.